Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to fix the WWE

Oh WWE, have the days since having real competition(Sorry TNA) made you guys lazy? Sure there have been many bright spots but it seems as though you guys have gotten complacent as the only show in town. Now I'm no expert, I have no idea of the pressure and the inner workings of the WWE. Just a fan who has some suggestions on how I(My opinion) would make things better.

1.Stop the reliance of the past. You can't make future stars if you're stuck in a previous time period. I love nostalgia like everyone else but your focus needs to be on establishing new stars and letting them grow to become legends.

2.Consistency, let your story lines flow and make sense. Sounds simple enough. Is there a filing system on past feuds? Or Bullet points on major events in a superstars career. Just make sense, on the fly booking works but for so long.

3.Contingency plans, take 10 stars, create 10 separate story lines for them. Someone gets injured, no problem.....back up is in place, you can interchange wrestlers at will but if a top star goes out or leaves, there's a legit working plan.

4.Ranking system, top 10 contenders for each belt, make non title affiliated matches mean something sometimes. Let the #1 contender-ship be kin to the money in the bank...cash in at any time.

5.Mid card, make it matter build heavy weight title contenders. The I.C. And U.S. Titles had meaning once before, bring back prestige while again creating stars or even re-establishing past ones.

6.Television title.....bring it all the way back. We need that. Establishes lower card talent and elevates them. Generating work horses and …..wait for it...future stars!!!!

This is a start, sure everything might not be feasible but the vision is there. Hopefully the E gets it together. Maybe TNA will become relevant and force the E to leave the land of stagnation(Big stretch) or could it be Jeff Jarretts new GFW promotion that leads wrestling back to the days of the WWF(E)vs. WCW. Whatever happens, I just want a better more enjoyable product.

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