Friday, April 22, 2011

Own Worst Enemy

I believe in fate and destiny but sometimes those beliefs are challenged when it seems as if society has already chosen our path for us. We grow up in neighborhoods where liquor stores outnumber schools and community centers, doctors and lawyers are rarities instead we are influenced by the hustler, the d-boy, fast money & women. Voices rarely heard and faces that are looked at with disdain, parents forced to work multiple jobs to make ends meet, the cycle of fatherless children is endless, a bottomless pit of destruction and pain.
If it takes a village to raise a child then we as a people have failed, where's the support? We are the biggest consumers yet we own nothing, we support other races before giving back to our own community! Why is that? We associate name brands with wealth and success but look at the Bill Gates and Steve Jobs of the world. They don't indulge as we do, they invest. As a people we have no concept of that and it's sad. Imagine if we took half the money we spent getting fresh and used it on our neighborhoods. Less liquor stores and more centers protecting & teaching our children, sending them into the world able to make a difference. Enabling them to control their fate and destiny

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