Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Beygency Dilemma

Disclaimer...I like Beyonce....I like Beyonce, I really do and even now while writing this I feel her hive prepping to destroy my soul and scatter it in multiple directions. Listen the way she dropped her album with no promotion and all videos done was risky and genius. It might even change the way marketing and promotions are done in the future but I have an issue. One big issue, it's not her, it's you guys...The Hive....the ones who will kill to make sure their "Queen"(No shade, no shade)goes unscathed. You guys scare me...no one is perfect yet you all act and behave as if she cured all major diseases. When did this happen?  Does her music contain magic mind altering lyrics? If Bey decided to go to war her army rival the U.S. These are things that need to be considered, if Beyonce went all dictator on us, would we(non Hive) be strong enough to survive her onslaught? The sheer reason I'm writing this points out a problem, I'm a fan of many artists and yet I am clear minded enough to see flaw and imperfection...you guys not so much? Beyonce trips and falls....oh never happened and all evidence and those who speak on it are never heard from again. Videos gone. The Beygency strikes again. Funny thing is, I began writing this before the Beygency skit debuted, they say there is seriousness in all jokes.  So while the skit may be funny don't think for a second the hive is not out there monitoring all mentions about their "Mova"(Again..No shade, no shade) By the way "Love on top is one of the greatest songs in history, no debate.

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