Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I still can't believe it's been 12 years since the towers fell, I can remember sitting in some sort of science class waiting for my teacher to arrive, him being a very wound up man,  his arrival into the class alarmed me. There were rumblings about the first plane hitting and sadly it was believed to be an accident but with tears streaming down his face the teacher announced  that "we were under attack!!" Panic and fear set about, my high school which was located on west 30th street, there was a belief that the Empire State building was's crazy , I look back and it's still surreal. Public transportation was shut down, we couldn't leave mother called the school to check and see if I was there(I woke up not wanting to go to school but why would I cut and hang out near the WTC? That's  Beyond me)  The MTA was finally up and running again , the masses bolted home,  through the chaos I saw something special heading home , from Manhattan to East Ny Brooklyn I saw unity, I watched with my own to eyes people of different backgrounds, ways of life and anything else you can think of come together in the midst of a diabolical act. Now no matter what your opinion is on the attack, people lost lives, families lost loved ones..countless men and women sacrificed themselves to save others, an aspect of this event that always shows the good in man...12 years later and it still feels like yesterday12 years later and we still honor those that we lost .....Never forget 

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