Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to fix the WWE

Oh WWE, have the days since having real competition(Sorry TNA) made you guys lazy? Sure there have been many bright spots but it seems as though you guys have gotten complacent as the only show in town. Now I'm no expert, I have no idea of the pressure and the inner workings of the WWE. Just a fan who has some suggestions on how I(My opinion) would make things better.

1.Stop the reliance of the past. You can't make future stars if you're stuck in a previous time period. I love nostalgia like everyone else but your focus needs to be on establishing new stars and letting them grow to become legends.

2.Consistency, let your story lines flow and make sense. Sounds simple enough. Is there a filing system on past feuds? Or Bullet points on major events in a superstars career. Just make sense, on the fly booking works but for so long.

3.Contingency plans, take 10 stars, create 10 separate story lines for them. Someone gets injured, no problem.....back up is in place, you can interchange wrestlers at will but if a top star goes out or leaves, there's a legit working plan.

4.Ranking system, top 10 contenders for each belt, make non title affiliated matches mean something sometimes. Let the #1 contender-ship be kin to the money in the bank...cash in at any time.

5.Mid card, make it matter build heavy weight title contenders. The I.C. And U.S. Titles had meaning once before, bring back prestige while again creating stars or even re-establishing past ones.

6.Television title.....bring it all the way back. We need that. Establishes lower card talent and elevates them. Generating work horses and …..wait for it...future stars!!!!

This is a start, sure everything might not be feasible but the vision is there. Hopefully the E gets it together. Maybe TNA will become relevant and force the E to leave the land of stagnation(Big stretch) or could it be Jeff Jarretts new GFW promotion that leads wrestling back to the days of the WWF(E)vs. WCW. Whatever happens, I just want a better more enjoyable product.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

WWE Night Of Champions Predictions

Tonight is the WWE's Night of champions ppv. While the big match is obviously the rematch for the WWE World heavyweight title between Broooooock Lesnar(Paul Heyman voice) and John Cena, the whole card is stacked and should provide beginning to end quality matches.  The last four Monday night raw episodes have been subpar to say the least(Will be covering that in another post) Even with the lackluster build up, I am excited to watch tonights broadcast. So without further ado folks , here are the predictions.

Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz-IC Title Match
Big fan of the Miz and this gimmick but Dolph is on a tear and I see him bringing legitimacy back to IC strap. I see Dolph retaining in a great match, maybe winning by DQ due to outside interference from a possible debuting Tyler Breeze or Bray Wyatt.

Sheamus vs Cesaro-US Title Match
This feud hasn't been built correctly but these two talented superstars have the chance to steal the show. The US title needs attention badly, Sheamus needs a heel turn ASAP. Maybe losing the title tonight will be a start down this path for him. Cesaro wins the match and hopefully begins a lengthy run with the strap. 

Mark Henry Vs. Rusev
Not really interested in this match. I see Rusev barely winning in a match that makes both look strong.

Aj Lee vs Paige vs Brie Bella-Divas Title
This match is hard to call, on one hand I see Paige retaining but then I can see Stephanie helping Brie win and continuing her feud with her sister. Or maybe Nikki costs Brie the match. Yes Yes Yes, Paige will retain and the sisters will continue their sibling rivalry.

Chris Jericho Vs Randy Orton
A random but awesome matchup, no rhyme or reason for this match but with these two do we really need one? I expect Randall to come out victorious in a highly contested bout with a departing Jericho.

Usos Vs The Dust Brothers-WWE Tag Team Titles
Match of the night maybe? Tag team action looks to be in good hands with these two teams. The Usos have put on great match after great match and I see the trend continuing here. Unfortunately for them I see The Dust Brothers winning the straps.

Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins
Roman is injured so the match is not going to happen, could this lead to the return of the crazy gawd Dean Ambrose? 

Brock Lesnar Vs John Cena- WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Brock will retain the title in a more competitive match than the previous SummerSlam bout. I like the idea as Brock being champ, with this loss i'm curious to see what direction creative takes Cena in after.

Those are my predictions folks, thanks for reading and enjoy the show.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Beygency Dilemma

Disclaimer...I like Beyonce....I like Beyonce, I really do and even now while writing this I feel her hive prepping to destroy my soul and scatter it in multiple directions. Listen the way she dropped her album with no promotion and all videos done was risky and genius. It might even change the way marketing and promotions are done in the future but I have an issue. One big issue, it's not her, it's you guys...The Hive....the ones who will kill to make sure their "Queen"(No shade, no shade)goes unscathed. You guys scare me...no one is perfect yet you all act and behave as if she cured all major diseases. When did this happen?  Does her music contain magic mind altering lyrics? If Bey decided to go to war her army rival the U.S. These are things that need to be considered, if Beyonce went all dictator on us, would we(non Hive) be strong enough to survive her onslaught? The sheer reason I'm writing this points out a problem, I'm a fan of many artists and yet I am clear minded enough to see flaw and imperfection...you guys not so much? Beyonce trips and falls....oh never happened and all evidence and those who speak on it are never heard from again. Videos gone. The Beygency strikes again. Funny thing is, I began writing this before the Beygency skit debuted, they say there is seriousness in all jokes.  So while the skit may be funny don't think for a second the hive is not out there monitoring all mentions about their "Mova"(Again..No shade, no shade) By the way "Love on top is one of the greatest songs in history, no debate.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Real American Appreciation

As a kid you had to be a Hulkamaniac, sure other wrestlers were popular but Hogan was the man, the say your prayers and eat your vitamins. The hulking up....the shirt rip....the hand over the ear to the crowd....nostalgia at it's finest.  To this very day he still has the best entrance music

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Dear America

Dear America
This isn't to offend or complain
But if this is the land of the free then please explain
Separate not equal
We're not looked at as people
Calling us niggers hurts
We walk by and you clutch your purse
Fighting for civil rights
All we want is our just desserts
But America
You make it worse
You believe this works
We share the same air
Share the same dreams
Yet we're playing a different game
And if same
Not even on your team
You may say this is bitter
You may say I'm crying
But I believe in equality
I understand why our leaders were dying
Bloodshed for a cause
Change doesn't happen overnight
But hopefully this opens doors

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kendrick Lamar & Imagine Dragons 2014 Grammy Performance

You'd have to be damn near a zombie not to get hype off this performance, two incredible songs mashed up correctly(Take notes Glee). Kendrick is a star and if there was any doubt before this has erased all that....All hail the future king!!

Pharell, Daft Punk and Stevie Wonder-Get Lucky 2014 Grammy Performance

One of the best performances of the night and you can tell by the audience reactions....Pharell's resurgence continues to reach dizzying heights...I'm talking to much, watch and enjoy folks